Tag: Andros

Travel Tips for the Modern day Traveler

It’s been a couple of weeks now but I finally feel like I’m back in the groove, in life and at work, after returning from Greece. In case you missed my #IslandShan adventures, let me remind you that if you’re going to the Greek islands you should go to Andros and you should visit Funky Donkey Beach House while you’re there.…

Andros Part 2 – Alex, a Little Bite and Dancing all Night

  On Wednesday morning Ash and I decided to take a taxi to Batsi, a small port on the island, where we had lunch overlooking the sea. Once again the portions were huge; probably because the Greeks are always walking up hill to get anywhere, that’s enough to make anyone hungry. After lunch, and a couple of glasses of sangria, we…

A day (or two) at the Beach – Andros 

We arrived in Andros on Tuesday morning, ready to hit the beach. After dropping our things off at our beautiful hotel we walked to St. Peter’s Beach, a beautiful sandy place that the outside world seems to have forgotten, save for a few manned beach bars there were only three or four other people on the whole beach. St. Peter’s…